Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Project Four - Leaders of Glue (Or "We Used All of Mike's Matte Medium")

This project made me want to scream. I spent hours and hours rifling through magazines and cutting out tiny segments of color and shape. Until the wee hours of the morning I strained my eyes to see the patterns converge into a graphic I might use for my final pieces.

Turns out I didn't use a single piece from any of my original 10 pattern collages. I felt cheated.

But, all in all, it was interesting to use a medium of which I had no prior experience with. That fact alone may account for some of my difficulty with it.

Here is the best one of the finished collages. I feel I could have done better on it, like making the figure more interesting or fixing the bottom up a little, but after what seemed like a glue-filled eternity I was ready to be done with this one.

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